May 28, 2016

Where America’s Day Begins

In 1898, Guam was captured and ceded to the United States. It’s an American territory where the citizens cannot vote (no electoral votes), but they do have a congressional delegate (who also cannot vote). Due to the island’s location in Micronesia, across the International Date Line, it is the first place the sun rises each day in the United States.

Hence, where America’s day begins.

You know how you wish your birthday could last for more than 24 hours? Well by traveling to Guam, I extended my birthday by about half a day! Woop woop!

After arriving in the late evening and picking up our incredibly reasonably priced rental car ($26/day), we headed over to the beautiful Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort.

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Traditional Japanese Breakfast “in bed”- rice, grilled fish, miso soup, pickles and natto. (Pro-tip, the natto is extremely difficult to eat and not pleasant. This is coming from the least pickiest eater you’ll ever meet. Eater beware.)
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Birthday #robelife
10:00 am hotel Yoga for $5 USD
10:00 am hotel Yoga for $5 USD
Snacks for the road
Snacks for the road
Steam pork bun from the gas station- yum!
Steamed pork bun from the gas station- yum!

Marbo Caves

We drove from the west to the east coast of the island, which took about 20 minutes, in the search for Marbo Caves. It’s a hidden cave on an unmarked road, down an unmarked trail.

Directions from the Sheraton Laguna:

  1. Go NORTH on Marine Corps Dr.
  2. RIGHT on Route 10A towards airport
  3. LEFT at fork
  4. Straight on Algeta St.
  5. RIGHT on Route 26 Macheche Rd.
  6. Road will descend, then end. Turn LEFT.
  7. (Don’t forget to HONK at blind corners)
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Road ends at a make-shift parking lot. Start walking along this trail.
The dirt road ends about 2 min later, at the opening of this cave. Yes, spiders galore.
The dirt road ends about 2 min later, to the LEFT is the opening of this cave. Yes, spiders galore.
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Carefully climb down the rock steps

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Embrace the magic.
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Rope swing!
Jane and Tarzan rope swinging in a cave
Jane and Tarzan rope swinging in a cave
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The waters are cool, crystal clear with rocks at all levels. I swam from the platform to where I am sitting. It appears flat, but the only water surface the rocks break through is where I am sitting.
We visited the cave on a Thursday around 2:00pm and we had it all to ourselves (not counting the ancestral spirits). It was SPOOKY, quiet and all around magical. There are openings to other caves within the initial foyer pictured here, but we will just have to explore that next time ;)

Marbo Cliffs

Exit the cave and walk straight (if you turn right, you will walk back to the car).

Make all LEFT turns until you reach the cliffs. Follow the sounds of the crashing waves.

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Two Lovers Point

 We headed back to the east coast, stopping at the famous Two Lovers Point.

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There is a very nice story that goes along with this cliff (I won’t spoil it for you… it has to do with two lovers). The admission is about $3 USD, to go onto the platform pictured here.
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The railings are packed with lovers locks
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The view from the non-paid platform was still pretty good… I don’t recommend spending the admission, or much time at Two Lovers.

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Hidden Mushroom Rock Beach- Hilaan Beach

From Two Lovers Point, drive to Tanguisson Beach by following that same road northbound.

Park by the beach sign, near a grove of palm trees.


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Walk towards the beach, then turn RIGHT to walk northbound along the shore.
Follow along this coral-sand-rock path under the trees, along the beach.
Follow along this coral-sand-rock path under the trees, along the beach.
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Notice some mini mushroom rocks along the trail
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At a fork in the path, veer RIGHT.
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Pass by some WW2 pipes.
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Behold! The first glimpse of the mushroom rocks from the trail.

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On the walk back, notice how dreamy a shut-down factory looks when tucked into a paradise-nook.

22 hours in Guam, well spent!

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Left a little piece of my heart in Guam.

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Thanks for reading! I hope this helps you on your next adventure to Guam!


Hafa Adai,


Photos taken by Melllypoo via Canon 6D, GoPro Hero 4, iPhone 6.