April 11, 2016

Birthday Trip Around the World


Last year, I spent my birthday swimming with PENGUINS in South Africa.

Cape Town 4

It was an incredible trip to Cape Town, and I couldn’t think of a way to beat it this year… until my husband found the mileage run of our dreams! He had found a way for us to travel to 7 different cities, 3 different countries for under $500 each.

So this year, I got to swim with WHALESHARKS for my birthday.


Whale. Sharks.


Let me break it down for you…

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I don't choose where I travel next, it chooses me.



Travel Extraordinaire

Anytime I connect with friends, they’re always asking “So, where are you traveling to next?”.

Really, I don’t know.

My response is, “I don’t choose where I travel next, it chooses me.”


Yeah, yeah, hippie dippy, but it’s true!

I keep an open mind and travel to an intriguing place when the flight fares are low. I love me a good mistaken airfare that is only good for a few hours, or a low fare to a small town in the middle of nowhere. I’ve flown to Peru on an $88 round trip (tax included) for a whirlwind, sleep-deprived 4 day weekend.

My advice to you:

  • Be flexible
  • Spend your holidays at home when airfare and lodging is at its highest
  • Try to travel on Thursdays and Tuesdays, when the fares are usually lowest.
  • Book flights on Tuesday afternoons, on the airline’s official website.
  • Book a flight deal to a major city airport in the continent of choice, then book a separate “domestic” or intracontinental flight on a regional airline for the best deals.
    • For example:
      • I’ve been keeping my eye out for flights to Saigon, Vietnam but if I catch a good deal to Bangkok I will likely book the flight from the US to Thailand; then a flight from Bangkok to Saigon on Air Asia, or Bangkok Airlines for an extremely low fare (below $100 USD round trip)
      • I live in DC, but have booked flights out of NYC airports for flight deals. Amtrak or bus fares from DC to NYC are nominal.
  • Expect delays, interruptions and cancellations during all legs of your trips. No trip goes on without a hiccup.


Happy Travels!



January 29, 2016

Washington, District of Hoth

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

(7 days to be exact, in our Nation’s Capitol…)

Episode 2016


It is a period of El Niño war. Rebel snow clouds, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Northeastern Seaboard.


January 28, 2016

Vietnamese Beef Stew “Bò Kho”

Hello, it’s me.

I have just begun to defrost from the epic Blizzard of 2016 and realized that I have not blogged in two months. The holidays, the snow, let’s just say blizzard-winter-brain is no bueno.

Let’s unfreeze with one of the best Vietnamese comfort dishes, Bò Kho.

Bò Kho is a beef stew made with beef chuck, carrots and onions. The characteristic flavors stem from cinnamon and star anise. I opted out of including potatoes, because this way I can eat more noodles. This dish can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Serve with:

  • French baguette, torn to pieces and dipped
  • Pho noodles for Pho Bo Kho
  • or in my case of ramen obsession, with Ramen noodles for Ramen Bo Kho.

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